Why I care about NVC organizations
Some reflections on why I care whether psncc/nwcompass (and cnvc) adopt a more expansive and inclusive orientation and let go of “quality-control” measures like certification.
I want to support the living & sharing of NVC Consciousness much more than any particular form/process. The “sacred place” rather than the “raft”. (That’s what I teach & coach, and I am applying and co-evolving tools & principles from the NVC theory & process to do that. I’m confident Marshall would be delighted, though I’m not sure about others.) I also want to contribute to the spread of this consciousness and skills to support it in a way that is more effective and more harmonious with that consciousness than I see the current top-down quality-control strategies being. And I want all trainers to have support through the valuable communication resources (web site, & mailing list) that psncc/nwcompass has accumulated, whether those trainers are certified externally or internally to be ready to train. And I want there to be a community of mutual learning among these trainers, in which each of us experiences others’ trainings, learns and offers feedback and interaction about the feedback. If we did that, I believe the worries about “quality” (whatever that could mean) would simply disappear. If the feedback were held a mutual conversation rather than an evaluation, we’d all learn.
I re-read the psncc vision/mission statement, and I really do not know whether the mission was written with intent to embrace evaluative quality-control. I also don’t know whether the mission was intended to embrace the continuing evolution of understandings and methods for supporting living in the Sacred Place. I really do want to know. Perhaps the answers are yes to quality control and no to evolution, which would help explain why I’ve been so uncomfortable in the group. I wrote a bit more detail in Missions, cats and rafts. I know that my heart is with the Sacred Place, and I trust Life’s billion-year-old model of evolution and peer-level feedback (see Emergence).