December 8th, 2012

NVC is for getting beyond NVC

What is NVC for? Although I’ve studied, practiced, and taught NVC for years, lately I’ve been revisiting a basic question: What is NVC for? One possible answer is that NVC is for more effectively inspiring people to do what we want them to. Before you object (and I hope you do), please note that I [...]

February 3rd, 2008

Distracted by faux needs?

In NVC circles, I often hear what I understand to be strategies described in “need” language. For me, the very heart and power of NVC Consciousness grows out of deep connection with Universal Needs and release of strategies. When I think I see strategy masquerading as needs, I’m concerned that the speaker and listeners are [...]

February 28th, 2007

Why I care about NVC organizations

Some reflections on why I care whether psncc/nwcompass (and cnvc) adopt a more expansive and inclusive orientation and let go of “quality-control” measures like certification. I want to support the living & sharing of NVC Consciousness much more than any particular form/process. The “sacred place” rather than the “raft”. (That’s what I teach & coach, [...]

February 26th, 2007

Missions, cats and rafts

Here is our NVC group’s vision and mission statement: Northwest Compassionate Communication is a regional non-profit association of people who envision a world in which all needs are met compassionately. Our mission is to contribute to this vision by living and teaching the process of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), which strengthens the ability of people to [...]
